
Princeton Online course

You can find all the code and comments details in this Repository

What algorithms and data structures will be covered in this course?

The first part will focus on the basic data structure, sorting, and searching.

  • Topics include: parallel search algorithm, binary search, stack, queue, backpack, insert sort, select sort, hill sort, fast sort, three-way fast sort, merge sort, heap sort, binary heap, binary search tree, red-black tree , Split link and linear probe hash tables, Graham scans, kd trees.

The second part will focus on graph and string processing algorithms.

  • Topics include: depth-first search, width-first search, topology sorting, Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm, Kruskal algorithm, Prim algorithm, Dijkistra algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm, Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, LSD cardinality ranking algorithm, MSD cardinality ranking algorithm, three-way Cardinality fast sorting algorithm, multi-path trie algorithm, ternary search trie algorithm, Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Boyer-Moore algorithm, Rabin-Karp algorithm, regular matching, run-length encoding, Huffman encoding, LZW compression, Burrows-Wheeler transform .

The Imp of Algorithm in Princeton University.

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107 SDN

a10715005 任偉

Boot onosproject

Configuration Json file and Create Topo using command line


ONOS GUI中的topology

Ping 成功的畫面

Switch s3的forwarding table


h1 ping h2

  • 讓ping packet走較長的路徑






JDK Configuration in Ubuntu

Install ONOS on Ubuntu

Using Linux command:

modification file in Linux gedit


CS5095701 Advanced Database Systems

  • CourseInfo

  • PrensentationSlides

  • 11/15 Proposal presentation (all 14 groups)

  • 11/22 Mid-term exam
  • 11/29 paper presentation (4 groups)(sequence 1~4)

Project proposal:

You are required to propose a database related research project in this course. You are encouraged to have a publication as a goal for your project. A list of project ideas is listed below.

You proposal should include the following aspects:

  • importance of the proposed project

  • your algorithm and ideas

  • main contributions

  • the design of the software you propose to build

  • how you propose to evaluate your ideas

  • the design of the experiments

  • literature survey

You will present to the class about your proposal (~ 5 minutes) and write a proposal report (2~4 pages in IEEE format).

CS5014701 電腦與機器人視覺 Computer and Robot Vision

CS5146701 虛擬化網路及應用 Virtualized Networks and Applications

  • Proposal

Catch up from Flick

network virtualization

CS5023701 Knowledge-Based Systems

Revisit Fuzzy Neural Network: Demystifying Batch Normalization and ReLU with Generalized Hamming Network

CS5141701 深度學習導論及其應用 Introduction to Deep Learning and Its Applications

Hung-yi Lee’S CourseInfo


【財金學程】FBG006301 品牌價值創新講座 Seminar on Brand Value Innovation


TCG037301 親近經典智慧 Wisdom in Classics


http://wepon.me/ pku
https://coladrill.github.io/about/ seu
https://github.com/ColaDrill/2018spa 推荐系统

推荐系统 必看


Special Projects


The Uni require all the undergraduate student to reach out the Special Projects.


Recommend systems based on the Collaborative Filtering


Talk in Mandarin

Elegant in code, simple in core

IEEE International Conference on Signal, Information and Data Processing 2019

Automatic Digital Recognition of Multiple Electricity Dashboards, (accepted) [EI]