What algorithms and data structures will be covered in this course?
The first part will focus on the basic data structure, sorting, and searching.
- Topics include: parallel search algorithm, binary search, stack, queue, backpack, insert sort, select sort, hill sort, fast sort, three-way fast sort, merge sort, heap sort, binary heap, binary search tree, red-black tree , Split link and linear probe hash tables, Graham scans, kd trees.
The second part will focus on graph and string processing algorithms.
- Topics include: depth-first search, width-first search, topology sorting, Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm, Kruskal algorithm, Prim algorithm, Dijkistra algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm, Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, LSD cardinality ranking algorithm, MSD cardinality ranking algorithm, three-way Cardinality fast sorting algorithm, multi-path trie algorithm, ternary search trie algorithm, Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Boyer-Moore algorithm, Rabin-Karp algorithm, regular matching, run-length encoding, Huffman encoding, LZW compression, Burrows-Wheeler transform .
The Imp of Algorithm in Princeton University.